Slow computer or the poor performance is very common issue for all PC users today. To numerous reasons a computer/PC might be slow down. To eliminate this issue you must think and find the root cause of the issue so that you would be able to diagnose it and fix it properly. An improper PC diagnostic can invite more issues and errors instead of solving the existing problem or windows registry problems. So beware of this important fact always.
If you are really concerned about and you want to know how to speed up computer you must know what the real is or root cause of the problem. Knowing the root cause of the problem is the first step to solve it. Eliminating the root cause or real factors means solving the problem in very easy and proper way. Below are the most essential and effective factors that very often can cause the performance and slow computer issue.
1. A faulty, broken or incompatible hardware can cause the slow computer/PC issue to a great extent.
2. A virus, Trojan, spyware and with any other malicious program are also one of the important factors of a slow computer issue.
3. Insufficient Memory or RAM causes the slow computer and slow performance related issue.
4. The corrupt, damaged or incorrect device drivers also invite many PC issues including the slow Computer problem.
5. A full hard drive due to many unwanted programs installed in the system causes slow PC issue.
6. A corrupt Operating System is also responsible for many system issues.
7. If Windows startup is too much packed with lots of programs.
8. A corrupt/bloated windows registry can create the slow computer problem.
All the aforementioned reasons are very well-known if you ever encounter the slow PC issue. Try removing these issues or factors that are causing the slow computer problem in your system. Also if the windows registry is corrupt and full of malwares, it can cause many issues. A manual editing of the Windows registry is usually prohibited for a novice user and even an expert often avoids editing and repairing the registry manually so just beware of it. If you are not sure about any registry key and value do never alter any registry key or value it might lead to great system devastation in your system. On the other hand you may use effective and reliable Windows registry cleaner software for cleaning and repairing your corrupt and damaged windows registry.
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