Making a computer run faster is not any miracle or just to spell a magic somehow, rather it involves some important aspects, routine maintenance tasks and verifying some points within your computer. Certainly a slow computer can be faster if you ensure some significant points and perform the essential PC repair or routine PC checkup.
In the same order I have stated some points that can be immensely helpful to curb the slow computer and many other issues such as computer freezing, blue screen errors, slow startup and many more.
Hardware problem-
Make sure there is no issue with the hardware you are using in your computer. If you are using any fault or broken or any hardware which is not compatible with the OS and for other system and application software you might experience not only the slow computer issue but also few more problems such as freezing, BSOD, unexpected shutdown, slow startup and more.
Insufficient Memory
Memory is a bed rock or main basis for any computer system. A speedy and great working computer cannot be imagined if you have not sufficient physical memory. Thus increase the RAM if you feel it’s not sufficient enough to run the applications you’ve installed in your computer. Otherwise certainly low memory factor can cause slow computer and other issues in your system.
Virus, spyware, Trojan or many other malware
Computer virus and other malware such as spyware, Trojan horse, worm and many more computer malicious items can cause number of issues including the most common slow computer problem.
Running the most updated and reliable antivirus, antispyware and other security programs can save the computer from being infected from malicious items.
Do not use too many and unnecessary programs
Make a rule not using too many and unnecessary programs in your computer. If possible use as less as possible number of useful and reliable programs. Some of the installed program may not seem to be harmful unlike a virus but they can consume lot of system resources and hard drive space. If there is less than 20% of system drive space empty you might encounter the poor performance or slow computer issue.
Perform a routine PC repair or PC checkup
Once in a month make a habit to run Windows PC tweaks and tune up services such as Disk cleanup, Disk defrag, Windows file checker utility and many more. The importance of these built in tools is immensely high and cannot be described in few lines. These built in features and tools can save your computer and valuable data from being damaged and affected by various means.
In nut shell the aforementioned PC repair and routine checkup tasks are necessary essential to perform in order to obtain a speedy and fast computer. Apart from these tips there are also many things that can help to speed up computer to a maximum extent within available PC resources and no other PC utility or registry cleaner is required to maximize the performance.
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