Remove all unneeded programs - the cleansing process for a slow computer contains many points or steps. They are mainly-
1. Remove temporary files from your PC completely. Path Start->Run->type in %temp% and press enter and when the temporary files windows open select and remove them all.
2. Remove prefetch files - Path Start->Run->type in prefetch and press enter and when the temporary files windows open select and remove them all.
3. Remove any unwanted program that was installed years back and you even didn’t use it for years or you think it’s of no use now.
4. Use windows disc cleanup utility to remove various unnecessary files. Disc clean up utility clears various kinds of files and folders that were used before but they are of no use now. This is one of the great utilizes Microsoft has incorporated with every windows system and can certain improve a slow computer issue. Remember Windows works as a great PC doctor program always.
Remove Computer Virus and other infectious programs- One of the most important reasons behind a slow computer is various kinds of infections. Infections in a computer can be of a virus, spyware, malware, adware, Trojan, logic bombs, worm etc. You might be victim of any one or all of them. Straightforward solution or answer for all these- is to use a good antivirus program, an anti spyware program etc. However a note of great importance is avoid using more than an antivirus and also do not use too many security related programs.
Uncheck Windows Startup items- Every single program you install in your PC it gets registered in windows startup list and gets loaded into memory while windows starts. You may simply uncheck all the unnecessary programs from being run or load into memory while windows boots.
Steps to uncheck startup items
Start->Run-> Type msconfig and press OK. When msconfig windows opens select startup tab and view the list. Uncheck all the programs that are not needed for windows startup. This really saves a lot of time of startup and increase overall performance of your PC.
Do not touch Anything- This may seems to be odd to think but yes, it is my personal opinion to leave your computer without doing anything at all i.e. do not perform any troubleshooting step for some time (say 15 days). If it also does not help you may go for some advance troubleshooting steps.
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