A slow Computer issue is consequence of various malfunctionalities within your computer such as a computer virus, a hardware fault, low memory, operating system related errors, Windows registry related issues and many more. Very often one single factor can slow down your system’s performance such as any hardware fault can reduce your computer speed and performance, however in some occasions more than a single issue can also affect your system performance. Some of the important causes are mentioned below that can cause a slow computer problem:
Hardware fault
Any hardware fault can cause a slow computer issue in your system. If you are using any broken piece of hardware or any incompatible hardware component it can slows down the overall system performance. Also if you’re experiencing slow computer issue recently I recommend make sure weather you’ve installed any new hardware component. Sometime a recently added hardware can also cause the performance issue.
Computer Virus
A virus a spyware or any other malware can affect your computer to any extent. A slow computer is one of the most common causes which a virus can create. Use an updated and latest antivirus definition to remove all the malicious items from your computer. There are freeware programs are also available that are of great use. One of the freeware is malwarebyte (actually an antispyware program) from malwarebyte.org.
Low Memory
Memory here I mean the physical memory or Random access memory of your computer. If the RAM is not sufficient enough it can cause the slow computer issue for sure. This is one of the very basic needs that are required by your system. If you are experiencing a continuous slow computer issue verify if you’ve sufficient RAM installed in your system.
Windows registry related issues
Windows registry is one of the most important and sensitive computer databases, which stores all the important information about all the hardware and software components are installed in your computer. Due to various operations such as while installing, uninstalling the registry values get changed. Also or a virus can also damage or modify the registry values. To repair windows registry you may use a good and reliable Windows registry cleaner program.
Incompatible drivers
Incompatible or broken driver set can also affect your system’s overall performance and you may experience a slow computer, freezing like issues. Uninstalling and reinstalling any such drivers from your computer is the only option.
Corrupt OS files
If your operating system files are corrupt or damaged; it can also cause slow computer and other issues such as freezing and unexpected shutdown and many more. A good way to perform a PC repair is to use Windows installation disk and repair your operating system.
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