A Computer can be affected by a virus and many other malware such as spyware, Trojan hours, worm and many more. A virus is capable enough to damage your computer to any extent. It can stop all the operations in your system so that you cannot perform any task at all and sometime even not able to kill the infected malicious item as well.
Some well known and notorious viruses very often disable all the important tools and utility so that you cannot kill them. For an instance it can disable windows task manager so that you cannot open it and locate the malicious process and item.
Some important tips to remove a virus from your computer
Run your updated antivirus, antispyware and antimalware program
Run your updated antivirus antimalware and antispyware again and over again. Reboot your computer and run all the security programs again. Also run the antivirus program in safe mode.
There are some viruses that try to disable your security programs and other security related features. Also note if your security program such as an antivirus is not up to date and latest virus definition updated it may not be able to remove some special and new malicious programs.
Open task manager and try locating the virus
This is very effective technique especially when you are sure about the name of the virus or the malicious program.
If you have run the antivirus and other antimalware program and still you feel the malicious item does not go away you may open windows task manager and can try to locate it. Here in the task manager if you are suspicious about any process goggle it and you’ll come to know if it is a malicious or not. If you find this is a malicious item you can kill the process and search the item in your Windows. Remove all the related items from your computer.
Scan and repair your registry
Most of the viruses usually attack the Windows registry and consequently it affects the whole systems speed and performance. A registry stores all the important information about all the associated components in your computer and the corrupt registry can make your system unstable and you may encounter issues such as slow computer, computer may freeze most of the time, computer may shutdown automatically and many more issues.
For smooth running of a computer you need to have a good and intact registry system so that it won’t affect the other components of your system.
Editing a registry manually is not advised at all unless you’ve got a great expertise in it. Alternatively you may use a good and reliable registry cleaner program which can scan and detect the malicious items in the registry and also can remove them out.
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