The PC speed and performance depends on many factors on every PC such as hardware configurations, number of software programs, computer might be affected by a computer virus/ spyware and many other malware programs. If any of such factor is not favorable or affecting the efficiency and functionality of the system you might experience the speed and performance related issues very often.
Now it is important to know that how to speed up the PC? For speed up your PC speed and performance there are many ways or methods and you also might have used or seen various software programs online or in your acquaintance’s computers. But not all of them really are worth to use and reply upon to speed up your PC speed, rather just handful of the all applications are capable to improve the performance of your computer.
This is interesting to know that any software utility program can only repair or fix limited number of issues and it cannot fix all the issues that affect the PC speed and performance. For an example if you have installed just 1 GB of RAM and your are running Windows 7 Enterprise edition with it you can experience the performance related or slow computer problem often. This issue cannot be resolved unless and until you increase the RAM capacity. There are many similar examples of this sort of problems. And this is the reason we usually hear about the customers complaints regarding any software application and especially the security and registry cleaner tools.
Many times I have personally seen if someone is using 512 MB of random access memory and using Windows vista with lots of other huge applications and then he buys a system utility to speed up PC speed but it proves to be worthless so he thinks this is the software’s issue while the actual problem lies in the system hardware part. Thus beware of any such situation and make sure you have installed the sufficient hardware components.
Some of the most significant aspects or factors that usually affect your computers efficiency and performance are as follows:
- Incompatible and insufficient hardware
- Low memory or RAM
- Computer is affected by virus/ spyware/ malware and various other malicious programs
- Bad, incompatible and corrupt device drivers
- Corrupt OS files
- Hard disk is full and there is no room left in the hard drive
- Too many software are installed in the system.
- Corrupt/bloated Windows registry
- Great number of graphical and Windows Visual effects
- Old and outdated security software are installed in the PC.
- Heat related issues
Thus if you want to boost your PC speed you must ensure that your system is not affected by any of such aforementioned point or factor.
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