Due to its highly complex architecture and sensitivity editing or modifying the registry manually is almost prohibited not by windows law but owing of the risks involved in this operation. And this is why we might need the software (usually called registry cleaner or registry repair utility) which can clean the bad, corrupt and unwanted data from the Windows registry and can repair the damaged values.
Many issues such as computer freezing, slow computer, BSOD and many similar issues can be occurred due to a corrupt windows registry. However a registry repair utility cannot repair or fix all the issues that have been found due to the corrupt registry. Many times a PC user buys the software (registry cleaner program) expecting it to resolve all issues and when it does not fulfill these all requirements the user thinks the software is of no use which is also not correct. Thus the right expectations are needed.
Now it is important to know if we really need a registry cleaner or registry repair utility and to what extent it can help us to regain our lost PC performance and speed. With this regards few aspects or things that are not possible should be understood properly so that at least a user will not expect these things from the registry cleaner software. They are as follows:
A registry cleaner tool cannot repair any hardware failure.
It cannot repair any missing system related file.
It cannot increase the processor speed, cannot replace memory and hard drive and space requirements so just expecting a miracle is not practical approach from any such software program.
In nut shell registry cleaner software cannot spell a magic to your system rather it can only fix limited number of issues especially pertaining to the registry. Thus right expectations are always required.
Also you must need to make sure that if you have any other issues in your system such as any hardware fault, low memory issues, hard drive space deficiency, incompatible device driver issue or any other issue that has nothing to do with the registry cannot be repaired by any registry repair utility. So beware of it!
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