Windows registry is the most essential part of all Windows operating systems. It stores all the relevant information and configuration settings about the hardware and software packages that are installed in the computer. A small incorrect change can create many issues such as slow computer, computer freezing and many other problems. The registry can be affected by any means such as a virus can modify the registry value, also when you install or uninstall any program from the computer the registry gets affected and changes.
Over time due various operations and other factor make your registry unstable and cluttered. To protect and clean your registry you might need a PC repair or registry repair tool which can clean and protect the valuable registry items.
The chief registry directories are known as hives. In the older operating systems, there were 6 key directories enclosed in these hives. Windows XP has five main directories. Vista is a little different in the way these directories are named, but that is, for all intents and purposes, the only way which they are different.
In the Windows XP they are (directories):
Hkey_users and
Registry errors are the most common cause of a slow computer problem
Registry troubles are a very widespread in Windows Operating Systems. Now and then during a computer crash, the registry file will be named in the error message. Nevertheless, be cautious here because many times a virus will give you a false error message. This message will try to show the way you to a web page that can fix the error or your slow computer problem. This is their was to make you purchase the items.
Naturally, real registry problems come on slowly and little by little. They mark themselves in repeated slowdowns or cause of the slow computer problem. This happens because the registry becomes corrupted over time, even if the computer is not used rigorously. Corruption is natural because anything that changes in your computer, such as deleting a text file or jpg, actually corrupts the registry.
Corrupted registry cause the slow computer issue
Thus when your registry gets affected or becomes corrupt, the operating system has more obstacles to work through as it performs its normal routines. So, it becomes slow.
This is a truth that a registry can become out of belt and make the computer's performance suffer greatly and create issues like slow computer, computer freezing and even become inoperable, but mostly, at least in early stages of corruption, the computer will just become slower. Of course, if a registry is left to become more and more corrupted, over time it will die all together.
Do not make any change into your registry manually
By no means open up your registry files. No good can become of it! When you work straight with the registry, its one false move and your computer is, dead! In 99% cases no one wants or even aware of the exact registry entry to be cleaned or corrected so beware of it.
It is only appropriate to use the best commercial registry cleaner program you can find. This program is sometimes referred to as a registry fixer or cleaner, as well as repair programs. I know, it is another expense, but it is a programs necessary one to keep today's complex systems of registry files optimized. Really, in retrospect it is not so expensive when think of the trouble it will save you in the long run.
In conclusion, the registry is the heart of your operating system and indeed it deals with all the hardware and software programs you have installed into your computer. Thus do not mess with the registry rather use any reliable and trustworthy software program such as registry cleaner to make it work or to clean your registry.
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