A slow computer can be caused due to many reasons. Some of the important are low RAM, poor hardware, computer virus, corrupt Windows registry and many more factors can cause the problem. Despite of any reason we need to know how to improve the performance of a slow computer.
Some of the most important causes of a slow computer are following below:
Computer Virus- Virus is first and foremost reason behind a slow computer. Virus not only generates slow PC issue but also produce more than a few such problems like freezing of a computer, blue screen of death, unexpected shutting down of a PC etc. Running a good and most updated antivirus program is the best solution to remove all kinds of infections from your computer. Most of the time it works fine and remove the infected part of your computer. There may be certain occasions where an antivirus is ineffective. In such cases we need to remove a virus manually.
Low Random access memory- RAM or random access memory is also the most prominent reason if your computer is performing slowly. Increase the RAM or use an additional Ram with your existing RAM.
Too many unwanted programs installed in the PC- Did you ever download installed and use a software program once or twice and forget about it. If countless programs particularly when you are not using them are installed in the PC they also form many problems such as occupying unnecessary space, and using CPU conflicting with each other etc. Uninstall if they are not wanted now.
Hardware fault or incompatible hardware- Any hardware fault can also cause slow computer issue for you. If you are with hardware that is not compatible for the requirement of the application or an OS running on them, in such cases a PC becomes slow. Use the updated or at least it is required by the programs is running in the PC.
Corrupt Windows registry- A corrupt windows registry can also cause a slow computer and many other issues in your computer. If your registry is corrupt/ bloated you cannot expect a good and speedy system. Editing registry manually is very tedious task and involves many risks. However you may use a good registry cleaner program to clean out your windows registry.
Badly Fragmented Hard Drive – If your hard drive is very fragmented it also affects your PC’s normal functionality and makes it slow. Defrag your drive after an interval.
Low disk space- If there is very less space or no space available in your hard drive it can affect your computer’s overall performance and functionality. Less than 20% of space in your hard drive can cause the slow computer problem.
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