Unload unwanted startup items: - If startup of your windows 7 system is very slow you may try this trick and I am sure it can increase the startup rate up to 80%. Just un-select all the programs that are not needed to start the windows 7. That is there are only few programs that are required to boot the system and other all the unnecessary. Nowadays every software vendor follows a practice of inserting his software within windows startup. Every software is programmed such a way that when we install it resides into windows startup. Installing many applications in your system it creates a long list which hinders the normal startup. Removing them from startup list certainly speed up your PC.
Remove all the temporary files-many garbage files and folders that were used for a while or during windows processed certain things or processes. Such as many temporary files in your PC. There are many types of such temporary files stored in your PC. If they get cleared it will speed up your PC.
Visual effects should be reduced- from windows 7 onwards all the contemporary windows operating system are very rich in graphical features and functions. Reducing some of the graphics from the windows 7 won’t make any difference in its normal functionality at all, but it certainly will speed up your PC. It is because graphics use huge memory and it keeps busy with them.
Increase virtual memory size: - It is usually says if random access memory is not sufficient windows needs a virtual memory to run the applications that are very heavy to process. Let me tell you a fact that virtual memory needs all the time even if random access memory is sufficient to run the applications. So verify the virtual memory size and increase it if it’s not set to the appropriate level.
Display Hidden Folders in 7: - By default, Windows 7 maintains imperative system files and folders concealed to keep people from removing files they shouldn’t. To show hidden files, open Control Panel and double-click on Folder Options. Click on the View tab, and then click the radio button for “Show hidden files and folders “Now when you go back into explorer you will see extra folders you were not able to see beforehand. This is also helpful to speed up your PC.
Stop some unnecessary services:-there are many such services that are not always required by windows to run. But still they run all the time whenever a window starts. I would suggest stopping such services if not needed. One of the examples of such service is background transfer intelligent service.
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